The Office of Pieter Pelgrims

Hello world!

As Frank Chimero did before me, when he launched his old website, I’m taking the opportunity at hand to write about mine.

I’m not sure when I first encountered wabi-sabi but it resonated with the truth in me. The need to create, or as Kandinsky calls it: inner necessity, or even the intrinsic motivation to create, is something I’ve always felt as well.
This somehow was always intertwined with the idea, of which I now think is quite narcissistic: to create things that outlive us; like houses, furniture, books, or anything other tangible. Only after reading about wabi-sabi, it came to my mind that this is actually a Western ideal, as are symmetry and perfection.

That automatically lead to ideas of endless repetition, decay, and tasks which yield results slowly. I start more websites than I finish, but I embrace the idea of a transient website, as we are transient beings. Bear with me while I try to maintain a steady stream of output on this website.

23 January 2017